Wednesday, November 02, 2005

On This Day in History: Courtesy of News Links

The Starr Standard

Normally I don't like to include blog entries here, just MSM sources and, where possible, original documents. But this is just too good. Best to go the blog itself so that you can follow the links there to verify the info.

The Starr standard
Posted November 01, 2005 2:53 pm

Seven years ago, Ken Starr prepared a lurid report for Congress detailing his case against Bill Clinton. At first blush, it wouldn't appear to have any relevance to the Plame scandal affecting the Bush White House, but I was reviewing the Starr report recently and something jumped out at me.

After he laid out the "narrative" of Clinton's alleged transgressions, Starr wrote a section he called "Grounds." In it, Starr details what he described as "acts that may constitute grounds for an impeachment." There were 11 in all, most of which dealt with Clinton's grand jury testimony and remarks during a deposition in Paula Jones' civil suit. But the last of the grounds for impeachment went a little further.

* Beginning on January 21, 1998, the President misled the American people and Congress regarding the truth of his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. […]

The President himself spoke publicly about the matter several times in the initial days after the story broke. On January 26, the President was definitive: "I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time. Never. These allegations are false."

The President's emphatic denial to the American people was false. And his statement was not an impromptu comment in the heat of a press conference. To the contrary, it was an intentional and calculated falsehood to deceive the Congress and the American people.

Remember, when Clinton made those remarks, he wasn't under oath; he was answering a reporter's question. For Starr, it didn't matter. Here was a constitutional officer lying to the country, on national television, about a subject that was under a federal investigation. Starr said this was, quite literally, an impeachable offense.

With this in mind, if there was evidence that a constitutional officer in the current White House had lied to the country, on national television, about a subject that was under a federal investigation, under the Starr standard, it too would constitute an impeachable offense.

Well, it just so happens….

In particular, I'm thinking about Dick Cheney, who claimed on Meet the Press in 2003:

"I don't know Joe Wilson. I've never met Joe Wilson. A question had arisen. I'd heard a report that the Iraqis had been trying to acquire uranium in Africa, Niger in particular. I get a daily brief on my own each day before I meet with the president to go through the intel. And I ask lots of question. One of the questions I asked at that particular time about this, I said, 'What do we know about this?' They take the question. He came back within a day or two and said, 'This is all we know. There's a lot we don't know,' end of statement. And Joe Wilson — I don't who sent Joe Wilson. He never submitted a report that I ever saw when he came back."

Patrick Fitzgerald's indictment against Scooter Libby highlights just how little of what Cheney said was true. Despite his denials, Cheney requested and received a briefing on Wilson's trip to Niger from the CIA.

Cheney also told Libby about Plame working at the CIA and may have advised Libby on how to deal with questions about Wilson during a July 12, 2003, plane trip on Air Force Two.

Am I saying that Cheney's intentional and calculated falsehoods on Meet the Press are grounds for impeachment? No, I'm saying that they're grounds for impeachment using Ken Starr's standards.

Is Cheney a constitutional officer? Yes. Did he lie to the country? Yes. On national television? Yes. About a subject that was under a federal investigation at the time? Yes.

Don't blame me; Ken Starr is the one who created the standard. I'm just wondering if it only applies to Democrats.


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