Wednesday, March 23, 2005

On This Day in History: Courtesy of News Links

"New 'Non-Partisan' 'Voting Rights' Org Appears Little More than Republican Front Group!"

Blogged by Brad on 3/22/2005 @ 7:01pm PT...
New 'Non-Partisan' 'Voting Rights' Org Appears Little More than Republican Front Group!
6-Day Old Tax-Exempt Group Run by High Level GOP Operatives!
(GOPUSA/Talon News, Anyone?)

It's a brand-spanking new, outta-nowhere, just-in-time-for-yesterday's-hearings, Talon News-like "Voting Rights" organization that has caught our eye for the moment.

As reported here earlier today, the U.S. House Administrative Committee hearings yesterday in Columbus featured testimony from St. Louis attorney, Mark F. (Thor) Hearne, II of the "non-partisan" American Center for Voting Rights (AC4VR).

According to Internic records, the AC4VR was established on the web just last Thursday and early investigation into this group would seem to indicate that it is little more than a front group for Republican operatives with little or no interest in actual "Voting Rights" at all.

While Hearne is listed as a witness for yesterday's hearings on the U.S. Committee for House Administration website as "National Counsel, American Center for Voting Rights", there is no mention of his affiliation or extensive work for Bush/Cheney '00, '04 and other Republicans.

Hearne, a former Reagan Administration official, is the National Election Counsel to Bush-Cheney ’04 Inc. and was Missouri counsel to Bush-Cheney ‘00 Inc. As well, he was General Counsel to Republican Missouri Governor Blunt.

But Hearne is not the only high-level Republican operative working for the tax-exempt "non-partisan" 501(c)3 organization...

AC4VR publicist, Jim Dyke -- the contact person given on a press release issued by AC4VR yesterday -- is the one-time Communications Director for the Republican National Committee!

In a 31 page report [PDF] -- named "ThorReport.pdf" on the AC4VR website -- turned into the House Admin Committee yesterday to coincide with Hearne's testimony, "voter fraud" is suddenly the utmost concern to Mr. Hearne.

The report, in which Mark F. (Thor) Hearne, II is listed as the leading "contributor", details problems in Ohio's 2004 Presidential Election. No, not the ones where thousands of votes appeared out of nowhere for George W. Bush, or the hundreds (thousands?) of reports of voters attempting to vote for Kerry on touchscreen machines only to have their votes counted for Bush. The AC4VR report claims that several Progressive and Liberal organizations committed criminal acts of fraud by illegally registering non-existant voters.

This voter registration effort was not limited to registration of legal voters but, criminal investigations and news reports suggest, that this voter registration effort also involved the registration of thousands of fictional voters such as the, now infamous, Jive F. Turkey, Sr., Dick Tracy and Mary Poppins. Those individuals registering these fictional voters were reportedly paid not just money to do so but were, in at least one instance, paid in crack cocaine.

The fraudulent voter registrations, however, appear to be only part of the effort of these
organizations to influence the election.


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